Monday, June 25, 2007

Golf swing with more power

Have you wondered how Tiger Woods and the other PGA golfers hit the ball so far? The key is the x-factor which was coined a few years ago. The x factor is the new modern golf swing that pivots over the hips.

The key difference in the x factor swing than an older style swing is that there is very little hip turn. The hip stays stationary while the shoulders pivot around.

Two physical traits are essential to pull of an x factor swing, torso flexibility and hip stability. Most fitness plans don't focus on these facets with most strength workouts to build bigger muscles. All the muscle and power in the world won't help if you can't keep your hips in balance and make a full rotation on your back swing.

One legged squats and exercises on exercise discs are great for developing hip stability. If you get really good you can do a one legged squat on an exercise disc. There are many different torso rotation exercises the key is to keep the hips stable as most people once the muscle tighten up simply move their hips to get more rotation which keeps them from increasing their flexibility. Once more this lack of flexibility is seen in a lack of power of the tee.

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