Friday, December 28, 2007

How to Eat for Health: Fats and Oils

Fats are an extremely important part of a healthy diet, and the essential fatty acids are named essential for a reason. They aid in just about every bodily function as they play a crucial role in cell wall function. Working as a transporter, they pass oxygen and nutrients through the cell wall and help to keep invaders and other foreign bodies out of the cell. Other functions performed include brain cell function, immune system, nervous system and hormone function.

So what is hydrogenation and what are the results of ingesting partially hydrogenated fats into your body? Well, hydrogenation is simply the process of heating an oil to the point where hydrogen bubbles enter, becomes attached to the fatty acids and form a solid in fully hydrogenated and more of a thick cream, or butter texture when partially hydrogenated. Hydrogenated oil has a high level of trans fats and these trans fats act within a cell in a confused manor and will keep nutrients out and let the foreign bodies in. Not only do these trans fats lead to obesity, but also are linked to disease such as diabetes and coronary disease (the leading killer in America).

Trans fats and partially hydrogenated oils can be found in a number of foods, and are used because they are a less expensive alternative to other cooking substitutes such as butter. Baked goods, potato chips, cookies, crackers, are just a few of the food categories that contain partially hydrogenated oils, the worst of which is partially hydrogenated soybean oil. This soybean oil is noted to negatively affect the thyroid function resulting in feeling sluggish, a decrease in energy and reluctance to want to exercise.

How much trans fat is bad? When you find out something can lead to heart disease and obesity, I wouldn’t take any chances and I would avoid any of it at all costs. Some reports have shown that .5g of trans fat is equal to approximately 1.5g of unsaturated fat in terms of how it affects your health. You won’t see this in the label of many products as .5 g can still be labeled as 0% trans fat due to federal law. But when you scroll down the ingredients, you might come across partially hydrogenated oil present in the first few lines.

The best way to avoid trans fat is to read your labels thoroughly. Avoid grocery shopping in the middle aisles for food and stay on the outskirts of the store where the fresh produce, dairy and meat are located. When cooking, choose to cook with virgin coconut oil, although high in saturated fat, and low on many health food lists, it is unaffected by heat, and it is metabolized differently than other oils as it will be burned as fuel and not stored into the fat cells. Fats are extremely important to our diet, but you can make healthy choices about fats by reading labels and learning about the different types of fats and how they affect the body.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Achieve a Movie Star Body

We watch TV and we see these amazing movie or music star bodies, and we are like how do I get a bod like that. Most people dismiss that they could never look like a movie star. Though very few people are blessed with the looks and body of Halle Berry, learning what it takes to have a movie star body will give you a hot body as well. Live Lean Today looks at the fitness and diet plans that create sexy bodies.

No matter whom you are if you want to look like a movie star than you have to exercise and eat healthy. If you want the magic pill; exercise and diet are it. Exercise builds the sexy tone lean muscles we like and your diet trains your body to burn fat and lose those love handles.

The movie star plan combines cardio and strength training with a balanced 5 small meals a day diet. What works for movie stars is exactly how Live Lean Today set up their fitness and diet plans. You don’t need expensive equipment or a lot of time. A few hours a day and some dumbbells and a stability ball will have you on your way to the new hot sexy movie star you.

Cardio Training has two major goals. The first goal is to train your body to use fat effectively as a fuel source. This allows your body to adequately burn fat on a daily basis. The second goal is to increase your metabolism so you burn more energy on a daily basis. Studies have demonstrated that people who do interval cardio training burn more fat while not exercising that doing other forms of cardio. Live Lean Today customizes your personal cardio program to optimize these results.

The best bodies have slender tone lean muscles and this is what strength training provides. The key to movie star looks from your strength training is to incorporate core training. Core training engages your abdominal muscles throughout the movements which burns more energy and develops nice looking abs.

lea newmanFive small meals may seem like a lot though it doesn’t have to be. Most people when switching from their current diet to 5 small meals eat fewer calories. When you eat throughout the day your cravings go away and your body starts to burn more fat that ever before. You know this is working because you will have more energy than ever before.

The last step to creating a movie star body is a personal trainer. Always on the news we here what the next celebrity trainer is talking about. You probably can’t afford your own celebrity trainer though with Live Lean Today you get all the benefits of a personal trainer and dietician for less than a gym membership. Live Lean Today is the only personal training website that allows you talk in real time to your own online personal trainer and dietician. Professional support is the key to overcome the weight loss and fitness challenges and personal trainers are the difference for movie stars to create their amazing bodies. offers the latest legal ephedra diet pill and redline vpx at discount prices.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Urban Health and Fitness Myths

Go to any gym or to your last social party and some person with spit out some urban legend as it relates to health, fitness, or weight loss. So many wise tales have been passed down from generations and especially on college campuses that we start to take them as fact. So, we have list 5 of the top urban myths around health and dieting to see do they tread water or not. Who hasn't thought that alcohol kills brain cells?

Urban Health and Fitness Myth or Fact

1. Inactivity turns muscle into fat: Almost Fact

a. The reality is that muscle and fat are two very different tissues with in the body. No, muscle can't turn into the fat though a sedentary lifestyle will cause your muscles to burn less calories. The fewer calories your muscles burn the greater amounts of fat a person will store. The correct statement is with inactivity fat replaces muscle. This is another way of saying you have a slow metabolism.

2. Women are going to get drunk quicker than Men: Fact

a. The key difference is body weight. The average male has more weight than the average female. The extra weight results in greater amounts of water in male bodies. The extra water lower the concentration of alcohol for men allowing them to stave off impairment longer. Another key difference is men has high amounts of gastric alcohol dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol is the liver. This allows men to break down more alcohol leaving less in the blood stream.

3. Drinking Alcohol Loses Brain Cells: Myth

a. Alcohol won't make you dumber though you may act dumber. Even binge drinkers are not going to kill brain cells. Studies have shown that heavy drinkers have the same amount of brain cells as the non drinker. Alcohol can kill brain cells though the amounts are too high to consume. You won't pass out or stop breathing before you would kill any cells.

4. Holiday 5 Pounds is a given: Myth

a. People don't gain an average of 5 pounds during the holidays. The average person gains about 1 pound over the 6 weeks from Thanksgiving to New Years. This isn't that different than the weight, from poor food diet and fitness choices that the average American gains at any point in time. The big reason we think about is that come January 1st we are making New Years resolutions and we are thinking about our weight more.

5. Drink green tea to lose weight: Myth

a. Many products and marketing are stating all the weight loss benefits of green tea. Green tea extract has been demonstrated to support weight loss and support increase in calorie burning from your metabolism. The amounts in the tea you drink are too low in concentration though to make much difference. You can still get the antioxidant properties of green tea in your drink though weight loss not much. If you want the benefits of green tea for weight loss you will have to go with nutritional supplements which deliver high concentrations.

Every myth or urban legend typically has some sort of truth to them. The issue it typically isn't exactly the way people think. The goal with any myth passed down is to do your homework.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It’s a Resolution to Anti-aging

Five, four, three, two, one. Happy New Year! Whether you were dancing in the streets at midnight or sleeping beneath the sheets long before the ball dropped, the world rang in 2007, which means you will celebrate another birthday before 2008's big bash. However, while "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" countdown and the counting of candles on your birthday cake may be unavoidable year after year, the way you age is certainly in your control.

Aging gracefully and comfortably (without the aches and pains of arthritis and osteoporosis) can be as simple as choosing the right foods in your diet, as well as exercising regularly. Because even more than preventing wrinkles, anti-aging also means preventing memory loss, heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. For this reason, the anti-aging diet is receiving much attention and can certainly complement your everyday life.

The anti-aging diet is a combination of both nutrition and lifestyle factors. Not only is it important to pile your plate with healthy choices from the food pyramid, it is doubly important to keep your body fine-tuned by exercising, avoiding UV light and cigarettes, and even doing crossword puzzles. Yes, researchers have proven that mental activity forms a strong connection between your brain cells and the way your transmit thoughts, so as you age, you are less likely to develop Alzheimer's. Even more, according to the American Dietetic Association, not only can mental activity reverse damage to your cells, but also with adequate amounts of vegetables and fruits, including blueberries and spinach, age-related losses in motor function and cognition can be reduced.

If you want to see your age grow to high numbers, then you need to make sure the scale shows you the lower ones. From weight training to cardio to yoga, a fusion of activity will keep you feeling young at heart and looking ageless in your jeans. Weight training will help you build muscle, maintain strong bone density, and burn fat. That's right. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. And while pumping weights will keep your muscles strong, cardio will help keep your heart pumping while yoga will keep your body stress-free.

Stress is one of many free radicals, which can cause damage to healthy cells, leading to internal aging as well as visible signs of external aging. Now, just as science has proven how dangerous free radicals are for our cells, antioxidants have proven to defend our cells by fighting against oxidation. Therefore, on the nutrition side of things, choosing antioxidant-rich foods, such as berries, may be one tasty way to living a longer, healthier life. According to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, cranberries, blackberries and blueberries rank highest in antioxidant levels. In addition to berries, other anti-aging foods include garlic, fish, whole grains, cruciferous vegetables, nuts, soy, water and red wine.

Don't let time pass you by. To stay looking and feeling younger than ever, make sure to exercise regularly, challenge your mind, avoid harmful UV light, and enjoy a low-calorie diet full of anti-aging foods. Start today and by 2008, you'll be ringing in the New Year without having aged a day. Eat your heart out Dick Clark! is a leader in effective nutritional solutions for weight loss, bodybuilding, sports performance, and health.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Build Your Own Fitness Home Gym

f you are looking to build a home gym this year, there are some important criteria that should be taken into consideration. A good home gym offers versatility, the ability to have a few pieces of exercise equipment perform a wide variety of exercises. It must be durable and be able to handle the rigors of hard resistance training over a long period of time. Exercise equipment shouldn't take up a lot of space. There are many exercises you can do with your own body weight and a mat, so the home gym equipment shouldn't clutter up the workout space, nor be difficult to store. Finally it should be affordable. No one likes investing in a $1000 home gym just to use it as a coat rack or have it collecting dust in the corner within 3 months. This list of exercise equipment should offer solutions in each category listed above and it should provide a challenging and fun workout environment.

Exercise Ball

One of the most versatile pieces of exercise equipment, the exercise ball can be used in place of a bench for any supine or seated exercise. The exercise ball comes in a variety of sizes and depending on brand, is made of varying material. Because of the stress placed on a ball during a workout, it is important to look for a ball that is burst proof and it will not pop under you during a workout. To obtain the right size, a ball that sits with your hips and knees at 90 degrees is most likely what you should use for a majority of the exercises. For most, a 55cm or 65cm ball is sufficient. An exercise ball can be purchased for around $25-$60.

The exercise ball will provide an element of instability that cannot be duplicated by a bench; therefore you can improve core stability, and strengthen the integrity of your joints including shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles. The more stable you become, the stronger you will be and will drastically reduce the incidence of injury.


A good home gym isn't complete without a few sets of dumbbells. 5-50lbs in increments of 5 will make a complete set for every type of exercise. Dumbbells are good for full body exercises that resist gravity. Exercises such as lunges, squats, shoulder press, bicep curl and chest press are just a few on the list of dumbbell exercises. They are durable, versatile, and a good set will last you a lifetime. A good set of dumbbells may cost $50-$100 for 3-4 sets of varying weight.

Foam Roll

A hard foam cylinder is used for self myfascial release, or self massage. A supplement to stretching, a foam roll can help to increase flexibility in a way that stretching cannot. In addition, it can help to relieve knots and adhesions within muscle tissue. If you don't like being sore after a workout, a foam roll can help to alleviate the soreness and therefore should be a staple item for your home gym. Invest $20 in a good foam roll that will take away your pain and soreness after a tough workout.


The Xerdisc is an air filled rubber disc used for improving balance, and stability. The same exercises that you do while standing (ie..shoulder press, squat, bicep curl) can all be done while standing on an Exerdisc. Improving joint integrity and balance will allow you to become a more stable, stronger individual and the exercises are fun and challenging. It can also be used for ab exercises such as crunches, and anything you can do to make ab exercises harder has to be good! A quality Xerdisc may run about $40.


Tubing comes in a variety of sizes based on the level of tension you want. Tubing can be used for most exercises in place of dumbbells and they will provide a variable tension. The plus side to using tubing is that you can gain resistance from a lateral position that dumbbells cannot provide. Exercises such as wood chops, torso twists, and pulling exercises like the bent row and lat pull are just a few that you can do with tubing that you can't get with other forms or resistance. Tubing is also safe for seniors looking to stay active as there is no risk of dropping the weight. Tubing is color coded in relation to the resistance it provides. I suggest 3-5 different tubes from thin to thick to give you opportunity to perform many exercises with small and large muscle groups. They are usually about $5-$8 a piece and can be used around doorknobs, in door jams and any other stationary post.

This exercise equipment should provide everyone from the novice to the advanced, a well rounded home gym that you can invest in for less than $200 total. The level of versatility, durability, and challenge that is provided by these pieces of equipment is unmatched by any single unit you can buy, and should give you years of workouts that can be changed and progressed as you continue to get into better and better shape. Consult with your personal trainer as to what exercise equipment may be best for your home gym.
Find personal trainer, fitness, and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Food and Diet for More Energy

Do you find that you get fatigued during the afternoon? There are better choices than reaching for that candy bar, soda, or the latest energy drink. Food and diet is essential to giving your body more energy during the day. With making some easy diet choices you can have more energy and feel alive during those once sluggish hours.

The fatigue and lack of energy you feel is associated with how you fuel your metabolism. Another way of looking at it is the food you eat or not eat is causing you have low energy and want to take a nap at work. If you are having any lack of energy throughout the day, now is a great time to start making better dietary choices.

The common diet programs that create this lack of energy are low calorie diets or eating 3 meals a day or less. Also, if your diet habits consist of fast food, candy, or soft drinks then your body is simply not getting the energy it needs and how it wants it was balanced energy levels. Another aspect that affects your energy with poor food choices is a lack of essential vitamins, minerals, complex carbs, and amino acids. All of these are building blocks for proper metabolism functioning.

The major issue with the ineffective diet programs of Americans is bad habits actually create more bad habits. Many people think that if they just had will power they won't succumb to food cravings that crush their diets. The reality is that poor choices create times when your body is in low blood sugar and that period is what causes your cravings. It is physiology that causes them not a lack of mental strength. Did you know that once you start eating 5 small meals during the day your cravings for sugar go away? Follow me on this person's day. We are starting with breakfast though they don't eat breakfast because they have noticed that if they skip breakfast they don't feel hungry till lunch. So at lunch they go out to dinner with their coworkers. Now, from a lack of energy they over eat more food than they should at any one meal. The problem is this doesn't feel or looks like too much food because this is what they are used to. How do I know this is too much food because at around 2 or 3 pm they are crashing. Their energy is low and they have become exceptionally irritable. Does this sound familiar?

So what are we supposed to eat? The goal is to eat 5 small meals throughout the day. For the average American this is cutting their normal meal in half and eating the other half as a snack. Breakfast starts the day either burning fat or storing fat. You know you had a proper breakfast because you are hungry 2-3 hours later, and it is time for another snack. You want to keep having small meals every two to three hours throughout the day. The reason this is good is because your body is burning calories and wants more fuel to keep burning. I know it seems logical if you don't eat you will lose weight. The problem is when you don't eat your body stores the food you eat as fat. When you fuel your body every 2-3 hours your body starts to burn more energy and will stop storing energy. This is the key to healthy losing weight.

Another key aspect to controlling your energy levels is the use of caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that supports your body to release adrenaline into your system. Caffeine in moderation, as in one cup of coffee doesn't throw your body out of balance. Having a multiple cups or some of the energy drinks and your body is running on artificial energy and then you crash. Once you crash you want that good feeling again, and so you are off on another Starbucks run. I know people who go to Starbucks every 2-3 hours or after each time their body crashes. One thing on energy drinks, Red Bull has less caffeine than a cup of coffee though I can't guarantee what is in the rest of the energy drinks.

Do you need more protein or more carbs in your meals? If you find that your meals are made of mostly carbs or simple sugars than eating protein with your meals with balance you out. Most Americans are over eating protein. If you are not getting a small amount of complex carbs in each meal, this is another reason why you are low on energy. Carbs are you body's fuel. Protein is designed to rebuild your muscle tissue and your body doesn't want to use it as energy.

Adding proper supplementation can make easy healthy and throughout the day easier. For most people getting that mid morning or mid afternoon snack can be a challenge. Having a meal replacement bar or shake can give you the healthy fuel you need. Also, most meal replacement supplements are fortified with vitamins and minerals which is a far cry from the candy bar. Supplements allow you to get exactly the right amount of calories in your meal as well. Especially, if you are going after a weight loss goal you don't need to eat any extra calories. What should I eat for my 5 small meals? The first answer is the same things you are eating now only cut them in half. You will find that the sugar cravings go away so we automatically start eating less sugar. The goal is to go to the super market thinking about what you want to eat for your meals. If you buy it at the grocery store than you will have it ready when it is time to eat?'s diet program creates weekly menus that print out grocery lists to make this process easy. Start eating every 2-3 hours and turn your metabolism into a fat burning machine. I know you might be laughing, not your metabolism. Today if you start eating 5 small meals your body will start to turn over. You will know this is working because you will have more energy than you have ever had before.

Find personal trainer the fitness and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Creatine : Still the best Workout Supplement for strength, power, size and recovery

In the past decade, the sports and fitness world has seen many performance enhancing supplements arrive on the scene as the quest for maximum possible performance from the human body continues. Since I became a personal trainer 17 years ago I have personally seen and used dozens of different supplements, as much out of curiosity as to "what's new" as a desire to improve my performance and physique. From energy drinks to prohormones to protein supplements to nighttime recovery, I have experimented with many, and found a lot that I have chosen to keep using. Above all of them, however, the one constant that has ALWAYS been present since the very first time that I used it is creatine. It has proven to be one of the effective and safe supplements available when used properly. I always feel stronger and recover quicker using creatine when I participate in any kind of training that requires strength or quick bursts of anaerobic power. Any workout I do in the weight room or when rock climbing feels incredibly enhanced when I supplement with creatine, and I have no problem as an online personal trainer recommending this product to healthy individuals who can safely take the recommended dosages supplied by the manufacturers. I always say to people, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are a healthy individual who is cleared medically to participate in the high intensity training made possible by safe and proper creatine supplementation.

I remember the first time I took creatine back in 1995, and I did a leg press exercise as my first set of the workout. I easily lifted 10% more weight that I had been lifting before that day, and found I could do over 20% more repetitions per set with weights that I had been using. WOW! It was a very strange feeling to have that effect only minutes after taking the product. It was like a wonder pill, in some ways. As someone who loves lifting weights and being strong, it was a huge psychological boost to feel that different so quickly. Creatine has literally been a part of my training regimen ever since that day.

What was going on was that the main ingredient in the creatine supplement, creatine monohydrate, was enhancing my muscles' ability to produce effort before fatiguing. The monohydrate component of creatine monohydrate combines with the most immediate metabolic byproducts of intense muscular effort during exercise, which turns a large percentage of the byproducts right back into usable muscular energy. The muscle is able to lift more weight and fatigues later than without the supplement being present. My experienced increase in performance of 10-20% was right in line with what is the usual benefit.

The initial advantage to being able to lift more weight and do more repetitions is obvious: the body gets a better workout and a better stimulation to improve its performance levels. In addition to this first benefit, creatine also serves to pull more body water volume into the muscle cells, creating a fuller feeling of firmness in the muscle belly, which looks and feels good to the person using it. Muscle recovery is enhanced as well, so not only are the workouts better, the recovery from these workouts is quicker. Performance and cosmetic results are greatly enhanced.

Creatine supplements are always evolving coming onto the market in forms that manufacturers claim improve their results. They are now frequently combined with other performance enhancing ingredients in a single supplement to create amazing feelings of "pump" during a workout. And these latest versions of creatine supplementation are very effective and I have tried most of them. In the end, the actual way the creatine itself is acting upon the body and its effectiveness are largely unchanged from when I used it for the first time. It is a very effective and safe supplement when the manufacturer guidelines for use are followed or it is used in conjunction with a certified personal trainer.

Find personal trainer the and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Gary Player Talks About Steriods

Gary Player even at the Senior British Open brought back up the idea that PGA Tour are taking steroids. He also mentioned that players are taking creatine.

Creatine products like NO Xplode should be part of any golfers diet program. When Gary Player brings up creatine use as a problem, he loses a lot of credibility with me.

I have yet to see any golfers have the physical signs of steroids like the changes in the baseball players.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Oahu Beach and Golf Trips

The first Oahu activities that you can plan are beach trips. One Oahu beach that you won’t want to miss is Waikiki Beach. This is perhaps one of the most well known beaches in the world. Some of the activities that you can participate in while visiting Waikiki Beach include surfing, swimming, snorkeling, dining and beaching combing. Other local beaches include: Fort DeRussy Beach, Kaalawai Beach, Khala Hilton Beach Waikk Beach, Sans Souci Beach, Paik Beach, Niu Beach, Kuahine Beach, Keehi Lagoon Beach and Oneawa Beach.

The second Oahu activities that you can plan are golfing trips. There are dozens of golf course to choose from. Some of the golf courses that you can tee off at include: Olomana Golf Links, New Ewa Beach Golf Club, Mililani Golf Club, KO Olina Resort and Marina KO Olina Golf Club and the Hawaii Kai Golf Course. If you will be visiting during the peak tourist season you will definitely want to call ahead to reserve your tee time.

If you are interested in water Oahu activities then you will want to plan a day trip to a local lake. There are several natural pools and manmade reservoirs that you can choose from. Some of your options include: Alapena Pool, Kalihi Reservoir, the Keehi Lagoon and the Salt Lake. At these water destinations you can swim and canoe. Make sure to read the rules for each body of water so you know what water activities are allowed and which ones are not allowed.

Ready to book your Hawaiian weekend getaway? Learn more about the island culture and available activities including scuba diving, camping, hiking, surfing in Oahu, snorkeling and parasailing. Spend time at the beach or relax at your ocean front condo or an Oahu bed & breakfast. Meet local singles, hang out at the hottest bars, spend the day at one of Hawaii's most popular beaches, and eat the finest cuisine at gourmet restaurants. Whether it's a trip to Maui, Kauai, Waikiki or a scuba diving trip in Honolulu, we have the tips, advice, reviews and resoruces to help you plan the perfect Hawaiian vacation.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Become a More Athletic Golfer to Improve Your Golf Game

Golf and Fitness are two terms that can finally go hand in hand, thanks to one Tiger Woods and his famous mystery workout routine, and the other professional and amateur players who have followed his lead. Once an activity perhaps identified more with pot bellies, motorized carts and cups of beer on the course than physical strength and a good physique, there is now no question that golf has entered the world of a full fledged sport that requires physical training to perform at its best. Golfers on the professional tours look like athletes now, with more and more toned athletic bodies being seen on TV crushing the ball down the longest, most difficult courses in the world. Spending some time in the gym has been shown that it can make as big a difference in a golfer's score as time on the range or putting green. The game itself has changed, and the way players approach it has changed, as well.

As a personal trainer and avid golfer, the relationship between fitness and golf is a natural one to maintain, but it wasn't that way when I started playing the game as a junior. I first picked up clubs when I was about 5, then started playing seriously by about the seventh grade. By seriously I mean it had become the obsession that many golfers feel when they realize they would rather be golfing than just about anything else. A group of friends and I played regularly, and by high school, we were not only on our golf team together, we were some of the best players in our entire small town.

I was never able to hit the ball as far as my friends on the team, and one thing they told me over and over was that I should lift weights and get stronger, which at the time they did because they also played on the basketball team in the winter. As a skinny cross country runner at the time, I saw no need nor had any interest in lifting, as the weight room intimidated me in high school. I look back almost 30 years later as a much stronger, longer and better player than I was then (because I lift weights!) and wonder what might have been had I listened to them.

What my friends on the golf team did in the high school weight room in the early 80's was primitive to the workout science and programs that are available to golfers now, but they were definitely on to something. One way to look at it was that before it became popular, they were athletes who happened to play golf, and it showed in the length they had off the tee. This athletic approach can be applied to any golfer's game in the present day and immediately improve their ability to play better. With some examination, it is easy to see why.

The golf swing itself is actually an incredibly complex movement that combines virtually every muscle in the body into one coordinated action. The requirements of balance, coordination, flexibility, stability, strength and power all come into play in just one swing. Over the course of a practice session or round, endurance becomes a factor as well. Having some physical fitness in all of these areas can make for a much more effective swing. It is a bit ironic that golf itself does not require you to be in shape to play (unlike running a 10 k race, for example, which needs a level of fitness to even be attempted), nor will it really get you in shape by playing regularly (unless you walk rather than ride a cart). Yet working out overall dramatically increases the ability to perform the golf swing itself. So many players look to the next big expensive driver to add yardage off the tee. Well, what it they could hit it harder by being in better shape, and straighter, too?

Getting into the specifics of golf fitness, flexibility is paramount in the modern golf swing. The ability to turn the body through the trunk away from the ball, storing potential energy on the backswing, while maintaining an anchored, solid stance through the legs and hips, is what has been shown to generate the most power. Tiger Woods has a tremendous shoulder turn on his backswing which sets him up to uncoil with great speed through the ball on the downswing.

A person taking golf lessons and attempting to emulate Tiger's shoulder turn typically doesn't even have a body physically capable of doing that motion effectively! They may be taking lessons, yet are prevented from practicing the motion that they are learning by a lack of flexibility and fitness in the muscles of the trunk and back. Only by improving their fitness in these areas through proper training can they then expect to perform the proper motion.

In addition to flexibility, core strength and stability throughout the body are essential as well. These fitness terms refer to the body's strength in the trunk and the ability of the muscles of the entire body to operate in a coordinated, athletic way, which provide a stable "platform" in the body for hitting the golf ball. The more coordinated and stable the body is, the less motion is wasted during the swing and the more effort goes straight into hitting the ball where it is meant to go.

After flexibility is attained and a good amount of core strength and stability as well, more basic strength can then be added into a fitness routine. This could be along the lines of the classic term "lifting weights" that my high school buddies wanted me to do. A flexible and stable body that gets stronger, as long as the flexibility is not lost, can add significantly more effort to the golf swing, especially in situations where the ball may be in the rough or have a lie that requires more effort than the typical swing. If you watched Tiger Woods during the US Open in June, 2007, his physique from his fitness routine looked more muscular than ever, yet was very flexible. There were comments from the TV announcers many times on the level of his fitness and how it played out in making his game more effective. He is quite capable of hitting shots no one else on earth can because of his fitness level. As a result, he has more shots available to him to help him score.

So we know now how fitness has changed the game of golf and what is available to the player who chooses to add more fitness to their routine and golf game. Anyone can benefit from some exercise that is golf specific, and can participate at the level that they want. A person doesn't have to workout like Tiger Woods to get better. Sometimes even just working out regularly itself can make all the difference.

Find personal trainer the fitness and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, heart rate monitor, and supplement information.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Core exercises for better golf

If you watched the US Open you saw how fit Tiger Woods looked. You may think that doing a bodybuilding program is the key to developing lean muscle like Tiger. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Body building workouts only build bulky muscles that lack flexibility and flexibility is the biggest key in golf. It is important to find a fitness plan that understands the golf swing.

The right type of workout is one that incorporates core exercises. Core exercises are movements that require your abs to contract and stabilize during the movement while you may move your chest, legs, back, or arms. Good core exercises combine multiple planes of motion into one just as your golf swing does. The last time I checked I didn't see a golf swing performed in a stationary machine like a chest press.

Though you can develop strength using machines, utilizing full range of motion with dumbbells translates more to better golf.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Exercise to swing the golf club in balance

Do you find that you don't keep your balance through the golf swing? You would know this if you find after your swing the club that you have fallen to one side or leaning backwards. Poor balance is one of the leading causes of poor golf shots by amateurs. When you lose your balance even slightly you lose the stored power you had in your backswing.

So what to do about it?

One of the best exercises is a series of exercises on an exercise ball can be added to any fitness plan. First, you have to develop enough balance and core strength to kneel on the ball with out falling. This can takes weeks or months depending on where are starting from. You need to be able to kneel on the ball and keep yourself steady for a min. before moving on.

The advanced step once you can kneel on the ball is to while kneeling on the ball work on rotating like your golf swing though with no club. Start moving slowly as fast movements will just through you off the ball. Fell how you have to hold your core abdominal muscles tight to keep from falling. Once you can do this than add a club.

Each phases of this exercise you will still see improvement in your balance and golf game. It isn't important to rush to getting to swinging a club on the ball. The important factor is that you are improving your core strength and balance at your own level. Jumping straight to swing a club on the ball only creates bad habits if you can stay on the ball at all.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What watch does Tiger Woods Wear while playing golf

Tag Heuer has made the ultimate in sports watches with the Golf Professional watch. The Tag Heuer Golf Professional watch is the watch you see on Tiger Woods as he plays golf. As you know Tiger Woods couldn't wear anything that might hurt his golf game and that is why there is now the Golf Professional watch.

The Golf Professional watch handles all the issues with wearing a watch while playing golf. First the fit, the watch has a special clasp that fits the black silicon strap perfectly to your wrist. The goal is a fit that doesn't shift and doesn't cut off your circulation. Next the crown is flipped to the other side so it doesn't dig into your wrist on your back swing. Third, the watch is the first watch ever to be able to with stand the shock of hitting a golf ball. The forces of hitting a golf ball with make any normal even luxury watch lose it functions though not this watch. Oh, it does tell time too.

The case is made of a special titanium for ultra light weight and strength. There will be no hindrance to your golf game with this watch. Sorry, the missed shots are on you.

The Tag Heuer Golf Professional is the dream of any avid golfer. It works for Tiger Woods.

Tag Heuer Professional Golf-WAE1111.FT6004 Gents Watch

Tag Heuer Professional Golf-WAE1111.FT6004 Gents Watch

Mixture of finely brushed grade 2 titanium and solid stainless steel 37.5MM x 36.7MM case, Black silicon strap with exceptional elasticity for optimum comfort, Crown at 9 mark to avoid wounding the wrist during a swing, Black dial with a golf ball texture, Luminescent hour markers and hands, Date at 3 mark, Tiger Woods logo on the caseback, Water-resistance to 50M

Monday, June 25, 2007

Golf swing with more power

Have you wondered how Tiger Woods and the other PGA golfers hit the ball so far? The key is the x-factor which was coined a few years ago. The x factor is the new modern golf swing that pivots over the hips.

The key difference in the x factor swing than an older style swing is that there is very little hip turn. The hip stays stationary while the shoulders pivot around.

Two physical traits are essential to pull of an x factor swing, torso flexibility and hip stability. Most fitness plans don't focus on these facets with most strength workouts to build bigger muscles. All the muscle and power in the world won't help if you can't keep your hips in balance and make a full rotation on your back swing.

One legged squats and exercises on exercise discs are great for developing hip stability. If you get really good you can do a one legged squat on an exercise disc. There are many different torso rotation exercises the key is to keep the hips stable as most people once the muscle tighten up simply move their hips to get more rotation which keeps them from increasing their flexibility. Once more this lack of flexibility is seen in a lack of power of the tee.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Creatine for more power in your golf swing

Many of you have heard of creatine, now the most popular sport performance supplement. Did you know creatine can help the power in your golf swing? I bet you never thought about taking creatine for golf?

Creatine is stored in your muscle cells to be combined to produce energy for when you need your most explosive form of energy. The energy to swing a golf club comes from stored creatine in your muscle cells. For the same reason performance athletes take creatine so should golfers. Your strength with be improved by up to 20% after taking creatine. I will take those extra yards.

Creatine is not a muscle mass builder. It is a strength supplement or better it is store energy in your muscle cells. Because creatine is stored and needs to combined with a phosphate to produce energy it is not a stimulant that will make you feel jittery.

The two creatine products that I recommend are NO Explode and NOX CG3.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Diet Pills May Help

We train so long to go after our losing weight goals we owe ourselves some help. Effective diet pills can be the added boost you need. Diet pills use different ingredients to either increase your metabolism, control your appetite, or both.

The key to using diet pills is to use weight loss pills with a proper diet and nutrition plan.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Golf Fitness

How many times have you said you want to hit the ball farther? So we go to the store and we get the latest and greatest big moster driver only to find we still are not getting the distance that we are looking for. Improving your fitness is the best way to increase your distance. I was watching golf lessons from the pros on the golf channel agnd Brad Faxon mentions that you might not be able to swing the club correctly do to your flexibility.

Our strength, flexibility, and balance are essential for a proper golf swing. Most people's poor swings are do to muscle restrictions that don't allow for a natural golf swing. Once the body tightens up during the swing you distort your swing to get a full turn.

Golf fitness depends on your level of fitness and golf though increasing your fitness will make instant dividends in your game.